Syndicate/Senate Functions
SYNDICATE/SENATE (Statue: 1 to 61) (62-70)
- Office Note for Syndicate/Senate Meetings
- Issuing the notice to the member of Syndicate/Senate.Collecting the items from sections and preparing the agenda with annexures and sending to the members of syndicate/Senate and to the University Sections/ Sectional Heads for necessary action..
- Preparing the case papers for Registrar / Vice Chancellor
- Gathering additional information with regard to the items of agenda for syndicate meetings.
- Preparation of the other arrangements for the Syndicate/Senate meetings.
- Circulation of the Syndicate/Senate minutes, to the members, sections and Heads of Sections. A letter to the members request to the members, if any corrections that are to be made in the minutes inform the Registrar within 10 days.
- Distribution of case paper of the items to the concerned sanctions.
- Informing Concerned Sections to do the needful and send the action take to syndicate sections.
- Preparation of item No.2, the execution of the last meeting for ensuing Syndicate/Senate Meeting for noting
(B) Procedure for appointment of the Vice-Chancellor before the expert date of the term of the Vice-Chancellor as per chapter IX statue 101 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(6)
- Calling Academic Council meeting to propose one name for the search committee of the Vice Chancellor.
- Calling Joint of Vice Chancellor for to nominate one name for the search committee of the Vice Chancellor.
- Letter To the Government of Gujarat to nominate third person name and also request for appointing the chairman of the committee.