(Office Superintendent)
yash16468@gmail.com (M) 9099390877
To supervise and necessary follow up of below mentioned and other work of the section.
- Salary/Income-Tax, LIC, GIS, L.T.C., GPF, CPF, NDCPS, Budget, Establishment Schedule etc.
- Recruitment of Regular and ad-hoc Staff.
- All types of Leave/Study/Training Permission etc.
- CAS Permission/Promotion/Pension / Resignation/VRS/Pay Protection/ Continuation of Services Retirement of Staff etc.
- To issue office Transfer order/Notice to the employee.
- To receive all post and Letters and their necessary process.
- Correspondence with the government/University department.
- To put up and verify of all types of notes.
- To get prepare Syndicate/F. E Item/ RTI and Audit Para answer related to table work allocated to staff.
- To maintain all staff member personal files/Service Book and to take follow up and care whether the concerned records are filled in the personal file /entered in the service book by the concerned table employee.
- To maintain Dead stock and Court case register of the section.
- To take care and necessary follow up with the concerned staff to finish the work within the time schedule.
- Other work assigned from time to time.
- To maintain records of all types of leaves CL/PL/SL/EL.
- To keep records and necessary process of biometric attendance.
- LTC Encashment (10 days remuneration counting) process.
- 300 leave encashment process and its necessary entry in the service book
- To place an item before syndicate for the employees who are going abroad (all kind) and the process related.
- Charge Allowance related process of all staff.
- To maintain records of Election duty and necessary process related.
- To issue NOC or to forward application to another institute or university or government etc. of teaching and administrative staff.
- Diwali Vacation and Holidays declared by Government.
- Work related to Passport visa and process related to it.
- Resignation process submitted by college staff member.
- To maintain and manage service book of all staff in the storage room/locker and check and verify it from time to time.
- Government correspondence related to your table.
- To file related documents in personal file and necessary entry in service book of staff related to table.
- RTI, Syndicate, F. E Item and Audit Para related to table work allocated.
- To help Shri B. JHALA in his work.
- Other work assigned by the section head from time to time.
nrparekh1969@yahoo.com (M) 9427856511
(In absence of Shri Nitin Parekh, Shri Natvar Rathava will take care of his work.)
- To Prepare and process all types of Pension Cases of Teaching & Administrative Staff.
- To prepare and process case for PRAN No. of New Define Contribution Pension Scheme (NDCPS).
- To maintain Register of NDCPS and Deduction of NDCPS amount process.
- To prepare office note & issue Appointment order of promotion scheme to Administrative Staff and their necessary entry in the service book.
- CAS promotion approval process from the government (Other than Science Faculty and Education Faculty)
- Resignation/Voluntary Retirement approval from Government of regular University Teaching and Administrative Staff.
- To help Selection Committee/Scrutiny Committee etc.., and Preparation of T.A.D.A. Bill and to maintain the register of it.
- To prepare and published seniority list of Teacher and Administrative staff of the university.
- To file related documents in personal file and necessary entry in service book of staff related to table.
- RTI, Syndicate, F. E Item and Audit Para related to table work allocated.
- Any other work assigned by the section head from time to time.
- To operate work of English & Gujarati on computer.
khbhoi201070@gmail.com (M) 9998722139
(In absence of Shri Kirtikumar, Shri Prakashbhai will take care of his work.)
- To put up notes & orders for LTC/Home Town and LIC.
- To put up notes & orders related to G.I.S.
- Process of Food-Grain and Festival Advance.
- Process of Rahemrahe cases and HPS cases and their necessary approval from the government.
- Procedure and Issue I Card of Employee, Medical Card and Emblem (Uni. Logo) Permission
- To issue letter for Health check up of newly recruited staff and necessary entry in their service book.
- To issue Health Centre related circulars and medical bill related permission.
- Procedure of Study/CCC/CCC+/ Training Permission and their necessary entry in service book.
- Teaching & Administrative staff Union Question put up note and reply.
- To Prepare Syndicate Item of Retirement of teaching and Administrative-Staff and to issue retirement letter.
- Staff Joint Consultative Committee process.
- RTI, Syndicate, F. E Item and Audit Para related to table work allocated.
- To file related documents in personal file and necessary entry in service book of staff related to table.
- Government correspondence related to your table.
- To operate work of English & Gujarati on computer.
- Other work assigned by the section head from time to time.
pssuthar1976@yahoo.com (M) 9426500861
(In absence of Prakash Suthar, Shri Kirti Bhoi will take care of his work.)
- To get necessary permission from government to fill up vacant positions.
- To verify the approved positions from government with university data and other process related.
- To keep regular teaching and non teaching staff data in file.
- Appointment Process of regular Teaching and Administrative staff.
- Appointment Process of Ad-hoc Teaching staff.
- To Prepare and verify Synopsis of all advertisement.
- To call committees like Scrutiny/Selection committee etc. as and when needs arise. To issue notice of Experts, Deans, Heads, Govt. Nominee/Syndicate members (administrative) of the Selection Committee, Issue call letter to eligible candidates of various Posts.
- To place before the syndicate the minutes of the selection committee for its consideration and to keep data accordingly in register.
- To maintain record of Superannuation/ resignation /VRS etc.
- Process related to confirmation of Teaching and Administrative staff and there necessary entry in the service book.
- To maintain record in Inward Register of various Teaching and Administrative staff post advertised by University.
- NO Due Certificate process.
- All matter of C.P.F. Gratuity.
- To prepare and get approved panel of Experts for various subjects of University Teachers.
- Process related to qualification of teaching and administrative staff.
- To put notes & Orders for Sp. C.L. & Duty Leave, of Teaching & Administrative employees and to maintain record.
- To file related documents in personal file necessary entry in service book of staff related to table.
- RTI, Syndicate, F. E Item and Audit Para related to table work allocated.
- Government correspondence related to your table.
- Other work assigned to him by the section head from time to time
b2h@rediffmail.com (M) 9328521629
(In absence of Shri Bhrugesh Bhatt, Shri Amit Inamdar will take care of his work)
- Pay Bill & Fixation of teaching staff and administrative staff and their related process.
- Arrears counting of staff related to all kind of issue.
- To issue Appointment order of Teaching Staff (Direct Recruitment and CAS Promotion) and direct recruited administrative staff and matters related to Pay Protection.
- Maintain Service Book relating to all types of Recruitment and pay protection and any others matter related to it.
- To prepare cases of Continuation of Services and Pay Protection and get necessary approval from the government.
- Staff increment and Dearness Allowance process and their entry in the Service book.
- To prepare and maintain the establishment budget schedule.
- To file related documents in personal file and necessary entry in service book of staff related to table.
- RTI, Syndicate, F. E Item and Audit Para related to table work allocated.
- Other work assigned by the section head from time to time.
jigarguru@yahoo.co.in (M) 9825970755
(In absence of Shri Jigar Patel, Shri Amit Inamdar will take care of his work.)
- To prepare an Income-tax Register and ledger posting every month as per pay bill details, to keep up to date record of salary & other deduction of the University employees during the financial year.
- To File Quarterly return as per rules of NSDL time to time.
- To maintain Income Tax Register for the preparation of form No.16.
- To prepare form No.24 Annual returns of all employees of the university and submit to the income tax department and to provide form 16A and 16AA to all employee.
- Correspondence with Income Tax office regarding any matter of Income Tax and its related matter.
- To collect detailed data pertaining to income tax from Account Section every month.
- To Prepare, update and supply the regular staff related information to all concerned. (i. e. Gov/UGC/Annual Report/QPR/IQAC..etc)
- Orientation/Refresher course / Ph. d. / FDP/Hindi/Gujarati/English Exam entry in the Service Book.
- To prepare Syndicate/F. E Item related to table
- To file related documents in personal file and necessary entry in service of staff related to table.
- To issue certificate of Experience and Income.
- RTI and Audit Para related to table work allocated.
- Other work assigned to him by the section head from time to time
- To operate work of English & Gujarati on computer
(In absence of Amit Inamdar, Shri Bhrugesh Bhatt will take care of his work.)
- Sixth Pay Commission Pay fixation process through IFMS
- Seventh Pay Commission Pay fixation Process through IFMS
- Service book updating
- To prepare Syndicate/F. E Item related to table
- To file related documents in personal file and necessary entry in service of staff related to table.
- Government correspondence related to your table.
- Other work assigned to him by the section head from time to time
- To operate work of English & Gujarati on computer
bhavikambpc@gmail.com (M) 9898691938
(In absence of Mrs. Bhavika Bhatt, Shri Y.B. Jhala, will take care of her work.)
- To maintain records of all types of leaves CL/PL/SL/EL.
- To keep records and necessary process of biometric attendance.
- LTC Encashment (10 days remuneration counting) process.
- 300 leave encashment process and its necessary entry in the service book
- To place an item before syndicate for the employees who are going abroad (all kind) and the process related.
- Charge Allowance related process of all staff.
- To maintain records of Election duty and necessary process related.
- To issue NOC or to forward application to another institute or university or government etc. of teaching and administrative staff.
- Diwali Vacation and Holidays declared by Government.
- Work related to Passport visa and process related to it.
- Resignation process submitted by college staff member.
- To maintain and manage service book of all staff in the storage room/locker and check and verify it from time to time.
- Government correspondence related to your table.
- To file related documents in personal file and necessary entry in service book of staff related to table.
- RTI, Syndicate, F. E Item and Audit Para related to table work allocated.
- To help Shri B. JHALA in her work.
- Other work assigned by the section head from time to time.
natvar_rathva@rediffmail.com (M) 9825941424
(In absence of Shri Natvar Rathava, Shri Nitin Parekh will take care of his work.)
- To maintain General Provident Fund/C.P.F. Accounts and loan.
- To put a note to the V.C. for the approval of panels as well as V.C. nominees on the selection committee for the appointment of the Faculty in affiliated colleges/Institution.
- College Teacher API counting process and CAS Promotion.
- All Ad-hoc/Daily Wage Administrative Staff Appoint Process and to maintain their files.
- To Prepare, update and supply Ad-hoc/ Daily Wage staff related information to all concerned.
- CAS promotion approval process from the government (Science Faculty and Education Faculty)
- To prepare and submit new item related to establishment schedule to government.
- Government correspondence related to your table.
- To issue certificate related to your table.
- To file related documents in personal file and necessary entry in service book of staff related to table.
- RTI, Syndicate, F. E Item and Audit Para related to table work allocated.
- To maintain and manage personal file of all staff in the storage room/locker and check and verify it from time to time.
- Other work assigned by the section head from time to time.
(Data Entry Operator)
mani23.patel@gmail.com (M) 9409505856
- Gujarati and English typing work
- Prepare CAS cases, Service certificate
- NDCPS online data entry of new recruitment
- Other work assigned by the section head from time to time.