The Registrar shall issue a notice of the meeting of the Executive Council at least fifteen clear days prior to the day of meeting. He shall send the agenda for the meeting to all the members of the Executive Council at least ten clear days before the meeting.
Provided that the Chairperson shall have the power to waive the period of notice in case of an emergency meeting.
Provided further that in case of emergency, the proposal not included in the agenda of the meeting, may be taken up for consideration, as a table agenda with the consent of the Chairperson.
- ) Quorum for the Executive Council:The quorum for the meeting of the Executive Council shall be one-third of the number of the sitting members. If there is no quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned by the Chairperson on the same day or on a later date and no quorum shall be necessary for such adjourned meeting. No quorum shall be necessary on the following day of the continued meeting.
- ) Conduct of Business for the Executive Council:
- Each member before he takes his place, shall register his attendance in a book placed for the purpose at the entrance of the place of the meeting.
- The Vice-Chancellor, or in his absence, the senior most person selected by the members present from amongst themselves shall preside at the meeting.
- Once the meeting commences the first business to be transacted shall be reading and signing the minutes of the previous meeting. Along with this Action Taken Report and Compliance Report of the previous meeting shall be reviewed invariably.
- After reviewing the Action Taken Report and Compliance Report of the previous meeting, if work seems not to be done as per the agenda item then discussions shall be held for it. On the basis of the discussion the Chairperson shall take the decision to continue or discontinue with the said agenda item.
- Recommendations, if they are part of the business to be entertained at the meeting by the three members selected by the Chairperson.
- The Chairperson has the authority to maintain order and may caution or exclude any member disrupting the meeting’s decorum.
- All members should conduct themselves in a professional manner, respecting the right of others to speak.
- Members must declare any conflicts of interest at the start of the meeting or before the discussion of the relevant agenda item. Members with a conflict of interest should recuse themselves from the discussion and decision-making on that item.
- Accurate minutes must be kept of each meeting, recording the decisions made and, where appropriate, the reasons for those decisions. Minutes do not need to be a verbatim record but must accurately reflect the discussions held and decisions made.
- The Executive Council may establish sub-committees or working groups to deal with specific issues. These groups will report back to the Executive Council, and their recommendations will be subject to the Executive Council’s approval.