The Institution has developed three-fold feedback mechanism which comprises of :
- Informal oral feedback regarding the on-goings of the institution at regular basis.
- Formal feedback in writing on the individual teacher educators’ teaching behavior and institutional climate.
- Formal feedback on institutional academic environment and infrastructural as well as administrative behaviours during Viva-Voce.
The data sought is statistically analysed for individual performance of the teacher educators and collective conducive environment of the institution. The respondents’ identity is never disclosed and the analysed results are kept open for discussion cum reflection during annual review and planning meeting held at the end of the academic year. For Individual teacher educator’s performance, the evaluation criteria are: content clarity, teaching method, guidance, evaluation and behaviour with the students. Whereas administrative behaviors, physical facilities, human relationship in the institution, approachability with the principal, scope for personality and overall development are the criteria for evaluating the institutional environment. The feedback sheet and its analysis are done as per the guidelines of NAAC.
The constitution of various cells such as women cell and Grievance and Redressal cell, monitoring committee and one to one guidance for academic and other problems smoothen the helping mechanism. The “Homeroom” activity which is a regular feature of our institution, each student-teacher is placed under a teacher-educator for personal and academic sharing. Such dialogue paves way for systematic counseling of the problem cases.